Reddit Meet Women

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  1. Here are 9 reasons men suddenly ghost the women they've messaging women on Tinder and Bumble, according to the guys on Reddit. He got tired of doing all the work.
  2. There are a ton of places where you can meet women. The key is going into a place that is of interest to you as well. You may find the girl you're looking for while reading in the public library, but if you're not interested in reading, you will NOT sustain her interest. To find a woman who is girlfriend material, you must first be within.

Tired of frequenting bars and clubs and competing with other guys for women? Want to know where to meet girls where there's little to no competition whatsoever?! This video is for you.

I'll show you where to meet women with the best possible chance to pick them up!

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Download the Conversation Cheat Sheet for more on what to say to her.

The centered, chill guy always wins. In whatever scenario arises, whether it's with women, career, confrontation, conflict, or adversity, the guy who is in control of his emotions and stays calm is the one who always comes out on top. Second, many of these women are looking to meet Mr. Right, so they're approachable. Third, you know right off the bat that all these women likely share your same religious beliefs and values, which is an important factor in the success of long term relationships. Many churches have singles programs that you can join. Jun 01, 2017 How to meet women: tips from an expert. Get her attention. The number one reason why approaching a woman may not work is that you don't have her full attention before speaking to her. By attention I mean you should have her eye contact. This means she won't be either A) surprised when you speak to her or B) not listening.

Look, man, most guys are doing this dating thing all wrong. Someone once told me, if you wanted to sell a book, the hardest place to sell it is a bookstore. Why? Because you are competing with all the other books. I don't know if that's true, but it's definitely true when it comes to dating. If you go to bars, clubs or searching online then you are competing with every other guy there.

Instead, make meeting women a whole lot easier by going to where there's little to no competition.

What's your type of woman?

Listen, Most guys do the shotgun approach to dating and as a result, they are going for women that they aren't even compatible with. Hear me out, if you ask any successful business how they find customers they do it a very specific way so they can target the demographic that is most likely to be compatible and want to buy their product. You need to view dating the exact same way. And if you do this you'll start meeting and dating the women that you actually want. Then you'll be ready to approach a girl and spark that attraction.

So what is your target demographic? Do you need to have a clear picture as to what TYPE of women you want to date? For example, you probably shouldn't go looking for women in bars and clubs if you're not even into party girls.

So first ask yourself these questions:

  • What age range should she be?
  • Do you want a party animal or a girl that keeps it classy? Or maybe a bit of both
  • Do you want an active girl that plays sports?
  • What level of education should she have?
  • Are you a health nut? Perhaps she should be too.
  • Do you want her to be ambitious and driven?

Understanding the qualities of your ideal girl will help you find where she hangs out. That being said, some of the following locations will appeal to you while others will not.

Dating Reddit

But before I give you the list of my favorite places, you need to know this: One of the biggest logistical factors to help you meet more women is to Optimize Your Lifestyle.

Purposefully live in neighborhoods filled with the women you'd like to meet. This way, you'll see them more often in your everyday life. This will drastically improve the number of women you'll meet.

The 12 Best Places To Meet Women

Yoga classes and festivals

Especially good if you love athletic and flexible girls and who doesn't like that. Usually, these girls are really into health, nature, energy work like tantra, chakra clearing, and different forms of self-development.

Bars, clubs, and lounges

Make sure that you go to venues that you enjoy instead of going to ones that you don't like just because there are more cute girls. Because you will do better if you are enjoying yourself.

Reddit Women For Men

The Dog Park

Have a dog? Then go here. Approaching her will be much easier because you immediately have something in common.

One of my favorite openers for a girl with a dog that I got from my good friend Vince Kelvin is 'Hey what a cute owner you have!'

Health Food Store

Do you buy groceries? Well, she probably does too, especially if she is health conscious. Try Whole Foods. In my experience, a health food store has a lot more pretty girls than Walmart or Piggly Wiggly.

Coffee Shops

Do you like to read or work on your laptop? Well, head over to a popular coffee shop. For some reason, hot women love Starbucks. It's kind of a trend.

Hang out for a couple hours, sit where all the people pass by, and wait until you see a lady you'd like to meet.

If she's busy reading or working, make sure to acknowledge what she's doing, 'Hey, I see you're reading. but I wanted to come over real quick and say ‘hi.'

The Gym

Beautiful women usually work out so find the gym where all the girls attend. Keep in mind at the gym they are not there to chit chat so keep it short and sweet.

Use our simple 'Compliment, Qualify, Close' process to make her deeply attracted to you in under 3 minutes.

Cooking Class

Yup, most cooking classes are FILLED with ONLY women. The best case scenario is when women outnumber men because they'll fight over you.

Music Festivals or Concerts

If you love music, then this is your spot. Large music festivals have TONS of women and they are all looking to have fun. To win the girl over, focus on having fun.

Shopping Malls

Meet Women In My Area

If you like a girl that dresses nice, then you can be sure she frequents malls. The best times are usually Saturday mornings.

The Park

Reddit meet women online
  • What age range should she be?
  • Do you want a party animal or a girl that keeps it classy? Or maybe a bit of both
  • Do you want an active girl that plays sports?
  • What level of education should she have?
  • Are you a health nut? Perhaps she should be too.
  • Do you want her to be ambitious and driven?

Understanding the qualities of your ideal girl will help you find where she hangs out. That being said, some of the following locations will appeal to you while others will not.

Dating Reddit

But before I give you the list of my favorite places, you need to know this: One of the biggest logistical factors to help you meet more women is to Optimize Your Lifestyle.

Purposefully live in neighborhoods filled with the women you'd like to meet. This way, you'll see them more often in your everyday life. This will drastically improve the number of women you'll meet.

The 12 Best Places To Meet Women

Yoga classes and festivals

Especially good if you love athletic and flexible girls and who doesn't like that. Usually, these girls are really into health, nature, energy work like tantra, chakra clearing, and different forms of self-development.

Bars, clubs, and lounges

Make sure that you go to venues that you enjoy instead of going to ones that you don't like just because there are more cute girls. Because you will do better if you are enjoying yourself.

Reddit Women For Men

The Dog Park

Have a dog? Then go here. Approaching her will be much easier because you immediately have something in common.

One of my favorite openers for a girl with a dog that I got from my good friend Vince Kelvin is 'Hey what a cute owner you have!'

Health Food Store

Do you buy groceries? Well, she probably does too, especially if she is health conscious. Try Whole Foods. In my experience, a health food store has a lot more pretty girls than Walmart or Piggly Wiggly.

Coffee Shops

Do you like to read or work on your laptop? Well, head over to a popular coffee shop. For some reason, hot women love Starbucks. It's kind of a trend.

Hang out for a couple hours, sit where all the people pass by, and wait until you see a lady you'd like to meet.

If she's busy reading or working, make sure to acknowledge what she's doing, 'Hey, I see you're reading. but I wanted to come over real quick and say ‘hi.'

The Gym

Beautiful women usually work out so find the gym where all the girls attend. Keep in mind at the gym they are not there to chit chat so keep it short and sweet.

Use our simple 'Compliment, Qualify, Close' process to make her deeply attracted to you in under 3 minutes.

Cooking Class

Yup, most cooking classes are FILLED with ONLY women. The best case scenario is when women outnumber men because they'll fight over you.

Music Festivals or Concerts

If you love music, then this is your spot. Large music festivals have TONS of women and they are all looking to have fun. To win the girl over, focus on having fun.

Shopping Malls

Meet Women In My Area

If you like a girl that dresses nice, then you can be sure she frequents malls. The best times are usually Saturday mornings.

The Park

I know of a girl that said, 'I'd really love a guy to approach me while I am running.' This was a surprise to me. But yes, if she likes to run, she'd also like to meet a guy that likes to run. So you runners know what to do…

However, at popular parks, you'll find women doing all sorts of activities.

The Beach

Sunny beaches are loaded with beautiful women in bikinis getting their tan on. The thing is that most guys are way too intimidated to approach a girl in a bikini – so by approaching her, you'll stand out.

College Campus

Even if you aren't in college, even if you are in your 30's or 40's this is my favorite place to meet women. Because it is a fun environment full of young educated women who are eager to socialize. So just visit your local university and go for a walk or visit a cafe on campus and strike up conversations.

Now you might be afraid that she'll ask you why you are there. First of all, they almost never ask. If she does, just tell her you are taking a walk, or you like the coffee shop or that you have a friend that goes there, if it's true. Or be honest and say that you don't like meeting women at bars and clubs because they are too drunk and sloppy. You'd be surprised at how many women love that answer. Eharmony founder.

BONUS: Meetup groups

Join meetup groups or organizations that you enjoy such as hiking or wine meetup groups. You'll find other women with the same hobbies so you'll immediately have a connection and something to talk about. You can also take seminars or classes that interest you. I've found that a lot of women love to attend personal development workshops like PSI or Millionaire Mind Intensive and the women usually outnumber the men.

Somewhere else….?

But what if you are really into something not really all that girl friendly such as video games or shooting guns or MMA fighting?

Now even if you aren't in your favorite environment, for example, you just see a beautiful woman walking down the street, make sure you approach her because even though you have no idea what her interests are or if she's compatible you can easily find out. Take advantage of all opportunities!

Now, How do you start the conversation in each of these situations?

Mullet passion dating site. I created this Free Conversation Cheat Sheet where I break down exactly what to say after 'Hi' to make her want you.

You get:

  • My top conversation starters for any situation…
  • Simple techniques to never run out of things to say…
  • A list of my favorite games to play that create a fun-flirty vibe
  • And simple ways to escalate the interaction.
  • And more!

Download it now because you'll want to keep this handy before you go out.

Reddit Meet Women Chat

And if you want us to show you how to meet women personally, click here for a free 1-on-1 breakthrough call.

I'm out! Cheers!

Intl. Dating Coach & Founder @ The Attractive Man LLC
Matt Artisan is considered one of the World's Top Dating & Attraction Coaches.
For the last 5 years Matt has personally conducted Live Trainings and Workshops in over 36 countries, helping thousands of men all of the world build confidence and succeed with women.
He has been interviewed by ABC and featured on MTV.

While dating apps have made finding that special someone easier and more accessible than ever, it still feels pretty impossible for most of us from time to time. I'm a straight cisgender woman, so I can only speak from my own experience, but before I got into my first relationship at 23 years old, I constantly found myself wondering why it was so incredibly hard to find someone who actually wanted something real. And apparently, I'm not the only one who faced this issue. A recent Reddit AskWomen thread prompted queer women to reveal where they go to meet women, because, well, meeting people is hard!

While looking for love for anyone in this generation can prove to be difficult, women responding to the thread revealed looking for love with a woman as a queer or bisexual person comes with some of its own unique challenges.

Reddit Meet Women Free

'I tried to use apps, to no avail,' wrote mysecretoutlet. 'Don't have many friends who are active in the LGBT community to go for nights out/specific bisexual social events etc. I have no sense of ‘gaydar' and everyone I find attractive tends to not be into girls as far as I'm aware. Currently in a relationship with a guy anyway.'

'I'm not in a relationship with anyone atm,' added Throwaway899365. 'But guys are easier for me because it's easy to assume most guys that talk to me want a date. Women on the other hand are harder to read.'

Reddit Meet Women Near Me

Other users found a sense of solidarity in the fact that there were other women out there who shared their struggle. 'It's definitely nice to know (gay or bi) other women are having a hard time meeting other quality, genuine women to date,' sben11 wrote.

Well, ladies, luckily there were other women on the thread who had plenty of great tips for queer women looking to find the one. Read along and take note.

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